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Stiletto 23 Mast and Sail Dimensions

Useful measurements for rigging mast and ordering sails: Main, Jib, Reacher

When making sails or rigging for the Stiletto 23, it helps to have some dimensions.
Synthetic Shrouds are also shown with measurements and a list of materials and fittings.

Measurements for the mast, shrouds and fore stay are listed below. There is also a profile drawing with measurements to assist in ordering sails and rigging the mast for the Stiletto 23. The profile drawing in Photo 1 may not be perfectly accurate. The drawing from the Stiletto specs sheet was imported into CAD and then scaled based on known dimensions such as height of mast and length of hull.

Then other dimensions were added in CAD. It is probably accurate to about 1/2". The original drawing's lines are somewhat pixellated so it is not easy to pick a corner with complete accuracy. Plus there may be other unknown errors. It seems pretty close to real life dimensions, though.

The reacher is shown. Reacher dimensions are based on the sail I received from Dave Calvert.

Photo 2 shows synthetic shrouds with deadeyes (Precourt) and Spectra lacing. On the chain plate end is a stainless steel deadeye and clevis. Next up is some Dynex lacing, topped by an aluminum deadeye terminating the shroud proper. The top of the shroud is terminated with a cast stainless steel thimble, connecting it with a shackle to the hounds fitting on the mast. The top part of the shroud is protected with a Dyneema cover. All the parts are listed below.

To tension the rig, pull the lacing on the lee side when sailing, then change tacks and tension the other side.

For the Shrouds, I used a dimension of 27' 3" for the synthetic shroud splice to splice. This allowed 2' 4" for the lacing. One could use a longer shroud and less lacing. The pin to pin distance of the original shroud is 29'7" vs. the new 27' 3" plus lacing of 20 feet each. Each splice uses 2 feet more, to be safe. At 70 feet for both I had extra.

The materials shown in the photo for new synthetic shrouds from Precourt:
2 - SBDSS Stainless steel deadeyes for chainplate
2 - 3/8" x 3/4 clevis pins for chainplate connection
2 - MMD Aluminum deadeyes for shroud to lacing
2 - CT10 Cast S.S. thimbles for 3/8 for the top ends
70' - Dynex Dux 7mm for the shrouds
40' - Dynex 4mm for the lacing
8' - Dyneema 8mm cover for the top ends for chafe
I used one roll of riggers tape and some whipping twine.
The splice is called a Mobius Brummel. I found it a lot of fun. I am still not exactly sure how it works. The splice turns the braid through itself and then back again at the end to go around the loop. The tail is tapered and ends up covered by the braid. I used the instructions from the internet. You need a braid splicing kit and some tape.

Photo 3 shows the fore stay with dimensions.
Photo 4 shows the mast with dimensions to spreaders, to luff groove, etc.

Stiletto 23 Mast and Shrouds/Fore Stay Dimensions

From base of mast extrusion (seam with cast base fitting)
to pin - diamond stay17 1/8"
to bottom main track42 1/8"
to centre of spreader14' 0"
to top diamond pin26' 1 1/2"
to centre of shackle hole - hounds28' 2 3/4"
tip to tip - spreaders (alum. fork end)38"
wire groove to wire groove - spreader tips36 1/2"
base of spreader tubes to tip of alum fork end18 1/2"
tube b20 1/4"
Mast rotator up from base - centre1 1/2"
The hounds fitting is pictured in the photos. It has a 1/2 inch hole and
everything is connected with a bow shackle with a 3/8" pin.

Total distance of both shackles to each shroud and forestay pin is 3". See photos.

Chain plates 3/16" thick, with 3/8" pins

Shrouds pin to pin: 29' 7", plus the shackles = 3" more

Fore stay pin to pin: 27' 5 3/4, plus the shackles = 3" more

Bridle pin to pin 71" each side wire

Photos here:

Photo 1Stiletto 23 Profile DrawingStiletto 23 Profile Drawing

Photo 2Stiletto 23 Synthetic ShroudsStiletto 23 Synthetic Shrouds

Photo 3Stiletto 23 fore stay drawing with dimensionsStiletto 23 fore stay drawing with dimensions

Photo 4Stiletto 23 Mast dimensions drawingStiletto 23 Mast dimensions drawing
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