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Stiletto 27


I sold my Stiletto 27 two years ago after 6 years of great sailing and I now own a Corsair trimaran, but I come back once in a while to hear about the Stiletto family. When sailing a light multihull you always have in your mind the remote possibility of a capsize. Fortunately this never happened to me. I had always thought that righting an overturned multi should be done by pulling from the side. But I have read that this is not the way to do it and that this method does the most damage on the boat. The way to do it is to right bow-over-stern. Here are 2 videos that show how it is done.

VID 00000-20100718-1326.3GP

Saving Private Trimaran and Phils Bellybutton

I hope none of you ever has to right yout cat, but this information might be useful
