I ran across some more information on the whereabouts of what happened to the remaining hulls from the Stiletto-X bankruptcy. Currved daggerboards look good. I am sure some other people might have more information on this, but I thought I'd put together some sources and the info I found. So my count is one finished "Original" Stiletto-X boat (The one at the Annoplis Boat Show) and Ojigwan Yachts has three they are finishing. Are there anymore?
From HardenTFUp on Sailing Anarchy: "When the company went bankrupt we ended up with the three in production boats. The first one hit the water last weekend. Carbon curved daggers, rudders, cassettes, and a modified M32 rotating carbon rig. We converted her from a centerboard design to a dagger cat and went with high aspect rudders in cassettes instead of the old kick up style. Evolution Sails did the sail plan and we worked with NZ Rigging on the rig/rig plan. She will be on the water in Annapolis this summer. We had to do quite a bit of re designing as none of the original tech data/drawings were available to us and the boat was very unfinished., thoug h folks might like an update. "
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I ran across some more information on the whereabouts of what happened to the remaining hulls from the Stiletto-X bankruptcy. Currved daggerboards look good. I am sure some other people might have more information on this, but I thought I'd put together some sources and the info I found. So my count is one finished "Original" Stiletto-X boat (The one at the Annoplis Boat Show) and Ojigwan Yachts has three they are finishing. Are there anymore?
From HardenTFUp on Sailing Anarchy: "When the company went bankrupt we ended up with the three in production boats. The first one hit the water last weekend. Carbon curved daggers, rudders, cassettes, and a modified M32 rotating carbon rig. We converted her from a centerboard design to a dagger cat and went with high aspect rudders in cassettes instead of the old kick up style. Evolution Sails did the sail plan and we worked with NZ Rigging on the rig/rig plan. She will be on the water in Annapolis this summer. We had to do quite a bit of re designing as none of the original tech data/drawings were available to us and the boat was very unfinished., thoug h folks might like an update. "
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